Fatality Ainzy's Private CS2 HvH Config
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Introducing my Private configs for HvH Cfg for CS2.
Read the text file first to know how to use each config correctly
Fatality CS2 HvH Config Pack
Upon purchase you'll receive :
The Config purchase includes a how-to-use text file (The file will be sent to your email)
Lifetime configurations update & news
Lifetime Support at https://discord.gg/EtjunmbdA2
VIP role in my discord server which will allow you to get access to the private CFG
updates channel.
Terms of service :
No refunds after purchasing
No sharing of the configurations
No leaking of the Configurations
NOTE: Failure to comply with the TOS will remove your access from future configuration updates
Once purchased join my discord server https://discord.gg/EtjunmbdA2 Open a ticket or dm me with purchase proof to get the role!
Enjoy and contact me on Discord for any help ( ladro. )
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